EXSLT - date:day-in-week - Version 2

Version: 2
Status: implemented
User Page: index.html
XML Definition: date.day-in-week.xml
Function Package: date.day-in-week.zip

Function Syntax

number date:day-in-week(string?)

Template Syntax

<xsl:call-template name="date:day-in-week">
   <xsl:with-param name="date-time" select="string" />?

The date:day-in-week function returns the day of the week given in a date as a number. If no argument is given, then the current local date/time, as returned by date:date-time is used the default argument.

The date/time string specified as the argument is a right-truncated string in the format defined as the lexical representation of xs:dateTime in one of the formats defined in [XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes]. The permitted formats are as follows:

If the date/time string is not in one of these formats, then NaN is returned.

The numbering of days of the week starts at 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday and so on up to 7 for Saturday.

An implementation of this extension function in the EXSLT date namespace must conform to the behaviour described in this document.


Built-in support for date:day-in-week is available in the following XSLT processors:

ProcessorProcessor VersionImplemented Version
Xalan-J from Apache2.4.D12
4XSLT, from 4Suite.0.12.0a32
libxslt from Daniel Veillard et al.1.0.192

The following implementations of date:day-in-week are available:

LanguageImplemented VersionCreatorDateDownload
EXSLT Function2Jeni Tennison2001-06-10date.day-in-week.function.xsl
XSLT Template2Jeni Tennison2001-06-10date.day-in-week.template.xsl
Javascript2Chris Bayes2001-06-11date.js
Msxsl2Chris Bayes2001-06-16date.msxsl.xsl

Change History

Previous Version: date.day-in-week.1.html

22001-06-10Jeni Tennison
  • Removed second (optional date format) argument.
  • Fixed the numbering of days of the week to start at 1 for Sunday.
  • Added implementations in Javascript, XSLT and EXSLT - Functions.
2.12001-06-16Jeni Tennison
  • Updated Javascript implementation.
  • Added Microsoft-specific stylesheet.
2.22002-08-21Craig Stewart

Added Xalan-J, libxslt and 4XSLT implementation to the list.

2.32002-11-12Craig Stewart

Updated 4XSLT version to 0.12.0a3.

http://www.exslt.org/date/functions/day-in-week/date.day-in-week.2.html last modified 2002-11-12