EXSLT - exsl:object-type - Version 1

Version: 1
Status: new
Function Package: exsl.object-type.zip

Function Syntax

string exsl:object-type(object)

The exsl:object-type function returns a string giving the type of the object passed as the argument. The possible object types are: 'string', 'number', 'boolean', 'node-set' or 'RTF'.

Most XSLT object types can be coerced to each other without error. However, there are certain coercions that raise errors, most importantly treating anything other than a node set as a node set. Authors of utilities such as named templates or user-defined extension functions may wish to give some flexibility in the parameter and argument values that are accepted by the utility; the exsl:object-type function enables them to do so.

An implementation of this extension function in the EXSLT exsl namespace must conform to the behaviour described in this document.

Change History

Submitted: 2001-03-28
Creator: Jeni Tennison(http://www.jenitennison.com)

Returns a string specifying the type of an object.


http://www.exslt.org/exsl.object-type.1.html last modified 2001-03-28