EXSLT - str:concat - Version 1

Version: 1
Status: new
User Page: index.html
XML Definition: str.concat.xml
Function Package: str.concat.zip

Function Syntax

string str:concat(node-set)

The str:concat function takes a node set and returns the concatenation of the string values of the nodes in that node set. If the node set is empty, it returns an empty string.

An implementation of this extension function in the EXSLT str namespace must conform to the behaviour described in this document.


Built-in support for str:concat is available in the following XSLT processors:

ProcessorProcessor VersionImplemented Version
4XSLT, from 4Suite.0.12.0a31
libxslt from Daniel Veillard et al.1.0.191

The following implementations of str:concat are available:

LanguageImplemented VersionCreatorDateDownload
Javascript1Chris Bayes2001-06-26str.concat.js
Msxsl1Chris Bayes2001-06-26str.concat.msxsl.xsl

Use Cases

Use Case Package: str.concat.use-cases.zip

The following use cases illustrate the functionality of str:concat.

DetailsCalling StylesheetXML DataExpected ResultCategoryTemplate

Change History

Submitted: 2001-06-26
Creator: Chris Bayes(http://www.bayes.co.uk)

Concatenates the string values of a node set.
1.12002-08-21Craig Stewart

Added 4XSLT and libxslt implementation to the list.

1.22002-11-12Craig Stewart

Updated 4XSLT version to 0.12.0a3.

http://www.exslt.org/str/functions/concat/str.concat.1.html last modified 2002-11-12